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Road Hogging 1946

Load of Pigs in Collision

Marmora Herald Oct. 17, 1946
An accident occurred on the south end of Forsythe Street on Monday evening which resulted in heavy damage to two trucks and caused a lot of commotion and excitement, especially for a number of boys. A truck was coming north on No. 7 Highway loaded with forty-one pigs  ready for market at Peterborough next day. A truck going south hogged the road and side swiped the truck carrying the pigs. Three little piggies were injured so badly they had to be killed and when the others reached the stock yards at Peterborough the next morning it was found a number of others were lame or injured. There was a wild chase and a lot of fun and excitement before all the porkers were recaptured. Chasing a greasy pig at a sporting event used to be a big attraction, but chasing nearly forty of them was some job. The damage to the one truck was estimated at around $800.00 and to the other from $250.00 to $300.00. Fortunately both trucks were insured. We understand a charge will be laid against the one driver.