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The Tipperary & Jean Gauthier McGrath (by Wilma Bush)

 I often wonder if anyone, over the years, ever taped or made a video of Jean (Gauthier) McGrath singing Ave Maria at numerous weddings in Sacred Heart. She had a lovely voice - a French lady who came from Timmins - operated Tipperary House on Marble Point Rd with husband Jim - had overnight guests - served meals & had a small shop in the one room where I I had my first popsickle - Mom preferred their Eskimo Pies! We loved it when she attended any of the bonfires around Crowe Lake because we were able to hear her voice again. She & Jim were godparents of my brother Jim McKinnon.

The Tipperary Hotel,  Marble Point Road,  Crowe Lake, Marmora (now demolished)

The Tipperary Hotel,  Marble Point Road,  Crowe Lake, Marmora (now demolished)

Joanne MacKenzie Thompson  adds:   I wish I had seen these pics when we owned the Tipperary (1983-1989) would have been wonderful to have that front/side verandah facing the water again...we only had a small front porch.

Andy Logan adds:   Great shot of the Tipperary House. My grandfather (Grampa Hulsman) used to own it. I was just a wee lad then but remember there celebrating his 90th birthday.