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Alderbrook Resort in Union, WA.jpeg

What does the Alderbrook Resort on Hood Canal, Washington have in common with Marmora?

The answer is CLARA EASTWOOD, the daughter of Edgar Eastwood, one of Marmora's butchers in the early 1900s. One of her sisters was Minnie the Millner, who married William Bonter; another was Victoria, the well known nurse who enlisted in the Expeditionary Forces of WW1, and one of her brothers was Fred who built cabins at Crowe Lake, near the Tipperary Hotel. CLARA EASTWOOD was the manager of the telephone system in 1909 until 1916, when she travelled to Seattle with her mother, Hanna Haughton. There, Clara remained and in 1927 she purchased the Alderbrook Resort which she developed into a first class inn with her business partner, Eloise Flagg until 1945 when they retired. THE ALDERBROOK RESORT is looking for any historical information on Clara. Let us know if you know anything!

Note: In our Marmora and Lake residents lists for 1879 and 1889, Edgar Eastwood is located on Lot 7, Con.4, but there is no trace of him in the land record for that lot. Possibly, he rented or leased the land. The Marmora Village business directory for 1879 lists his occupation as butcher and drover (one who drives cattle or sheep).