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Linguists tell us that within any language group local expressions will develop. To understand your community, it is essential to learn the local lingo.

Here is your language course ‘Marmora 101’. The exam will be administered by members of a select committee who may greet you on the street at any time and will expect an appropriate response.


So, here we go:

North of Seven: Translation: Way back

Back of Cordova or B. C.: Translation; North of Seven only more so

Git ‘er done: Translation: There is a time for thinking and a time for action. . . . This is not a time for thinking.

Your Grampa was from Madoc: Translation: You are not really from Marmora

Newcomer: Translation: see above

I’m not running for election; I am standing for election:

Translation: I can’t be bothered to talk to you.

Receive for Consideration: Translation: Nope

Receive and file: Translation: Council feels you should go now.

No better than he thinks he is: Translation: a weird way to say he’s not so great.

Like a fart in a wind storm Translation; Hard to predict

How’s ya belly where the pig bit ya?:

Translation; This strange question is in fact used as a polite greeting that need not be specifically answered. If you do respond you can say, ‘good, how’s your pig?’   Origin Uncertain—sounds Australian.

Go ahead, tell it to my wife: Translation: Please don’t tell my wife

Shut your yapper: Translation: I want to talk about me.

He couldn’t hit a barn door with a handful of beans: Translation: He’s drunk.

Seeya on the lake when the ice sinks:

Translation: This pleasant greeting reflects the speaker’s scientific literacy. We all know that spring makes the ice sink to the bottom which is why the deeper down you go, the colder it is. And why it comes up next winter.

Not until Hell freezes over and all the little devils come out to skate: Translation: No thanks. .

The Maple Leaf Café : Translation: A secret place to meet for a beer on the way to the . . hunt camp.

That Poodle can’t hunt: Translation: A nice little insulting zinger to a dog and the owner. . . You probably knew that anyway.

Organ Recital: Translation: Gossip at the old folks’ home

Going to the movies?: Translation: I saw you picking your seat!

Kids don’t take after strangers: Translation: Your kid’s a moron and so are you

Better than a slap in the belly with a wet fish: . Translation: It is what it is and stop yer whinin’!