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A BAND OF RABBLE ROUSERS - The Callithumpians

In the past,  Marmora has had the privilege of experiencing the joys of a Callithumpian Parade,  but few people really know what it represented.

The English Dialect Dictionary states the word "Gallithumpian" originates from Dorset and Devon England  in the 1790s  describing  a" society of radical social reformers"  and "noisy disturbers of elections and meetings".

Callithump and the related adjective "callithumpian" are Americanisms.  In the 19th century, the noun "callithumpian" was used in the U.S. of boisterous roisterers who had their own makeshift New Year's parade. Their band instruments consisted of crude noisemakers such as pots, tin horns, and cowbells.  Today, the words "callithump" and "callithumpian" see occasional use, especially in the names of specific bands and parades. The callithumpian bands and parades of today are more organized than those of the past, but they retain an association with noise and boisterous fun.

Is it time to do a little rabble rousing and bring back the Callithump?

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Comment:  Brian Casey: I remember loading up with apple's and getting a ride in to town with one of the Neals. Hitting an Orange men parade and Nan not letting me go in to town for the rest of that summer. That happened more the once